Congratulations to all of our K-6 Rangers of the Week! Keep up the great work!
4th Grade Mathlete vs. Athlete
NK God, flag, and country winners!!
10-11 age: 1- Reagan Hirschfeld 2- Lena Roettger 3- Zeke Vergara
12-13 age: 1- Makenna Pfenning 2- Elizabeth Lammers 3- Amber Rodriguez
14-15 age: 1- Colin Miltner 2- Keira Wellman 3- Lenna Opperman
All 27 contestants today were awesome!!
No rhyme or reason was a fun spirit day!!
20,049 poptabs counted in one hour! Because we ran out of time we couldn't count them all! A big thank you to our supportive community! Families that stay at the Ronald McDonald House in Dayton benefit greatly!
These two were the first to spend their 100 hard earned tickets on lunch at the Village Market with me today!
No Rhyme, No reason!
Mrs. Tinsley came into the first grade classrooms and did an amazing lesson on the upcoming solar eclipse. Last year she wrote a grant and received funds through Friends Office for all of the fantastic materials.
Rhyme No Reason in 1A today!
Just a reminder that Bradie J camp forms are due Wed. Feb. 14! Don't delay! We are looking forward to a great day of family fun! Below is a link to the online registration form.
2024 Bradie J Basketball Camp Registration Form -
102nd day of 2nd Grade! Students worked hard to solve math problems and crack the code to find our missing cupcakes!
102nd day in 2nd grade Friday was a blast as the class had to "CrACk the classroom CODE" by answering math questions in teams! Each team was rewarded with cupcakes once they solved all of the problems 🧁
Sixth grade made quick Rube Goldberg machines to demonstrate their knowledge of different energy types and how they move. 🎢⚡️
The 6th grade made the Earth, Moon, and Sun to scale and then used them to simulate a solar eclipse. Thank you to Mrs. Tinsley for the awesome hands-on eclipse lesson! 🌎🌑🌞
Homecoming Spirit Week!
101 Fun...!
101 Fun!
More 101 Day Fun!
101 Day Fun in First Grade!
101 Day Fun in First Grade!